In A Glass: Perfume Oil

$20.88 each
Mornington Peninsula


This is our All Natural Roll On Perfume Oil, designed to give you a stunning scent and without all those nasty chemicals sinking into your skin that Fragrance Perfumes give you. This beautiful blend is made up of Peru Balsam, Geranium and Ylang Ylang Essential Oils, then topped with Jojoba Oil. Not only does this smell divine but it has the grounding elements of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil, which naturally assists in balancing hormones. Base Note: Peru Balsam | Middle Note: Geranium | Top Note: Ylang Ylang Made with 100% Pure Blend Essential Oils - 10ml Roller Bottle *Roll on your Wrists, behind Ears and Collar Bone, giving you a lasting wear of up to 6hours

About In A Glass

All the products are 100% Natural and each one has been specially formulated to bring you the best quality, with absolutely zero toxic chemicals. At In A Glass we care about what goes into your home, on your little ones, in your clothes and all around you. That's why our products are simple, no fancy labels or wording....just what you see, is what you get! (Website)